200+ ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ (ਪੰਜਾਬੀ) 200+ गुरबाणी (हिंदी) 200+ Gurbani (Eng) Sundar Gutka Sahib (Download PDF) Daily Updates ADVERTISE HERE
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ਪੰਜਾਬੀ | --- |
हिंदी | --- |
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ੴ ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਪ੍ਰਸਾਦਿ ॥
ੴ सतिगुर प्रसादि ॥
ik oankaar satigur prasaad |
One Oankar, the primal energy, realized through the grace of the true Guru.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਵਾਰ ੩ ।
वार ३ ।
vaar 3 |
Vaar Three
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਆਦਿ ਪੁਰਖ ਆਦੇਸੁ ਆਦਿ ਵਖਾਣਿਆ ।
आदि पुरख आदेसु आदि वखाणिआ ।
aad purakh aades aad vakhaaniaa |
I bow before the primeval Lord who has been told as the primordial cause of all.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਸੋ ਸਤਿਗੁਰੁ ਸਚਾ ਵੇਸੁ ਸਬਦਿ ਸਿਞਾਣਿਆ ।
सो सतिगुरु सचा वेसु सबदि सिञाणिआ ।
so satigur sachaa ves sabad siyaaniaa |
Truth incarnate that true Guru is realized through the Word.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਸਬਦਿ ਸੁਰਤਿ ਉਪਦੇਸੁ ਸਚਿ ਸਮਾਣਿਆ ।
सबदि सुरति उपदेसु सचि समाणिआ ।
sabad surat upades sach samaaniaa |
Only they have realized Him whose surati (consciousness) has merged into the truth after accepting the commands of the Word.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਸਾਧਸੰਗਤਿ ਸਚੁ ਦੇਸੁ ਘਰੁ ਪਰਵਾਣਿਆ ।
साधसंगति सचु देसु घरु परवाणिआ ।
saadhasangat sach des ghar paravaaniaa |
Holy congregation (sadh sangat) is the genuine basis and authentic abode of truth.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਪ੍ਰੇਮ ਭਗਤਿ ਆਵੇਸ ਸਹਜਿ ਸੁਖਾਣਿਆ ।
प्रेम भगति आवेस सहजि सुखाणिआ ।
prem bhagat aaves sehaj sukhaaniaa |
Wherein the individual inspired by loving devotion enjoys the innate delight.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਭਗਤਿ ਵਛਲੁ ਪਰਵੇਸੁ ਮਾਣੁ ਨਿਮਾਣਿਆ ।
भगति वछलु परवेसु माणु निमाणिआ ।
bhagat vachhal paraves maan nimaaniaa |
Lord, kind to the devotees and the glory of the poor, also assimilates Himself in the holy congregation.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਬ੍ਰਹਮਾ ਬਿਸਨੁ ਮਹੇਸੁ ਅੰਤੁ ਨ ਜਾਣਿਆ ।
ब्रहमा बिसनु महेसु अंतु न जाणिआ ।
brahamaa bisan mahes ant na jaaniaa |
Even Brahma, Visnu, Mahesa could not know His mysteries.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਸਿਮਰਿ ਸਹਿਸ ਫਣ ਸੇਸੁ ਤਿਲੁ ਨ ਪਛਾਣਿਆ ।
सिमरि सहिस फण सेसु तिलु न पछाणिआ ।
simar sahis fan ses til na pachhaaniaa |
Sesanag remembering Him with its thousand hoods could not understand Him.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਦਰ ਦਰਵੇਸੁ ਸਚੁ ਸੁਹਾਣਿਆ ।੧।
गुरमुखि दर दरवेसु सचु सुहाणिआ ।१।
guramukh dar daraves sach suhaaniaa |1|
The truth is pleasing to those gurmukhs who have become dervish at the door of holy congregation.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਗੁਰੁ ਚੇਲੇ ਰਹਰਾਸਿ ਅਲਖੁ ਅਭੇਉ ਹੈ ।
गुरु चेले रहरासि अलखु अभेउ है ।
gur chele raharaas alakh abheo hai |
The ways of the Guru and the disciple are mysterious and imperceptible.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਗੁਰੁ ਚੇਲੇ ਸਾਬਾਸਿ ਨਾਨਕ ਦੇਉ ਹੈ ।
गुरु चेले साबासि नानक देउ है ।
gur chele saabaas naanak deo hai |
Guru (Nanak) and disciple (Angad) both are blest (because both have merged into each other).
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਗੁਰਮਤਿ ਸਹਜਿ ਨਿਵਾਸੁ ਸਿਫਤਿ ਸਮੇਉ ਹੈ ।
गुरमति सहजि निवासु सिफति समेउ है ।
guramat sehaj nivaas sifat sameo hai |
Their abode is the wisdom of Guru and they both are rapt in the praises of the Lord.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਸਬਦਿ ਸੁਰਤਿ ਪਰਗਾਸ ਅਛਲ ਅਛੇਉ ਹੈ ।
सबदि सुरति परगास अछल अछेउ है ।
sabad surat paragaas achhal achheo hai |
Enlightened with the Word, their consciousness has become infinite and immutable.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਆਸ ਨਿਰਾਸ ਮਤਿ ਅਰਖੇਉ ਹੈ ।
गुरमुखि आस निरास मति अरखेउ है ।
guramukh aas niraas mat arakheo hai |
Transcending all hopes, they have assimilated subtle wisdom in their mind.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਕਾਮ ਕਰੋਧ ਵਿਣਾਸੁ ਸਿਫਤਿ ਸਮੇਉ ਹੈ ।
काम करोध विणासु सिफति समेउ है ।
kaam karodh vinaas sifat sameo hai |
Conquering lust and anger, they have absorbed themselves in the praises (of God).
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਸਤ ਸੰਤੋਖ ਉਲਾਸ ਸਕਤਿ ਨ ਸੇਉ ਹੈ ।
सत संतोख उलास सकति न सेउ है ।
sat santokh ulaas sakat na seo hai |
Beyond the abodes of Siva and Sakti, they have reached the abode of truth, contentment and bliss.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਘਰ ਹੀ ਵਿਚਿ ਉਦਾਸੁ ਸਚੁ ਸੁਚੇਉ ਹੈ ।
घर ही विचि उदासु सचु सुचेउ है ।
ghar hee vich udaas sach sucheo hai |
Being indifferent to household (pleasures), they are truth oriented.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਵੀਹ ਇਕੀਹ ਅਭਿਆਸ ਗੁਰ ਸਿਖ ਦੇਉ ਹੈ ।੨।
वीह इकीह अभिआस गुर सिख देउ है ।२।
veeh ikeeh abhiaas gur sikh deo hai |2|
The Guru and disciple have now attained the ratio of twenty and twenty-One, i.e. the disciple has gone ahead of the Guru.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਗੁਰ ਚੇਲਾ ਪਰਵਾਣੁ ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਜਾਣੀਐ ।
गुर चेला परवाणु गुरमुखि जाणीऐ ।
gur chelaa paravaan guramukh jaaneeai |
The disciple who obeys the commands of the Guru is called gurmukh.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਚੋਜ ਵਿਡਾਣੁ ਅਕਥ ਕਹਾਣੀਐ ।
गुरमुखि चोज विडाणु अकथ कहाणीऐ ।
guramukh choj viddaan akath kahaaneeai |
The actions of the gurmukh are awe-inspiring and their glory is indescribable.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਕੁਦਰਤ ਨੋ ਕੁਰਬਾਣ ਕਾਦਰੁ ਜਾਣੀਐ ।
कुदरत नो कुरबाण कादरु जाणीऐ ।
kudarat no kurabaan kaadar jaaneeai |
Considering creation as the form of the Creator, he feels to be a sacrifice unto it.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਜਗਿ ਮਿਹਮਾਣੁ ਜਗੁ ਮਿਹਮਾਣੀਐ ।
गुरमुखि जगि मिहमाणु जगु मिहमाणीऐ ।
guramukh jag mihamaan jag mihamaaneeai |
In the world, he feels himself as a guest and the world as a guest house.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਸਤਿ ਸੁਹਾਣੁ ਆਖਿ ਵਖਾਣੀਐ ।
सतिगुर सति सुहाणु आखि वखाणीऐ ।
satigur sat suhaan aakh vakhaaneeai |
Truth is his real Guru whom he speaks and listens to.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਦਰਿ ਢਾਢੀ ਦਰਵਾਣੁ ਚਵੈ ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀਐ ।
दरि ढाढी दरवाणु चवै गुरबाणीऐ ।
dar dtaadtee daravaan chavai gurabaaneeai |
Like a bard, at the doors of the holy congregation, he recites the hymns of the Guru (gurbani).
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਅੰਤਰਿਜਾਮੀ ਜਾਣੁ ਹੇਤੁ ਪਛਾਣੀਐ ।
अंतरिजामी जाणु हेतु पछाणीऐ ।
antarijaamee jaan het pachhaaneeai |
For him, the holy congregation is the basis of his acquaintance with the omniscient Lord.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਸਚੁ ਸਬਦੁ ਨੀਸਾਣੁ ਸੁਰਤਿ ਸਮਾਣੀਐ ।
सचु सबदु नीसाणु सुरति समाणीऐ ।
sach sabad neesaan surat samaaneeai |
His consciousness remains absorbed in the graceful true Word.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਇਕੋ ਦਰਿ ਦੀਬਾਣੁ ਸਬਦਿ ਸਿਞਾਣੀਐ ।੩।
इको दरि दीबाणु सबदि सिञाणीऐ ।३।
eiko dar deebaan sabad siyaaneeai |3|
True court of justice for him is the holy congregation and through the Word, he establishes the true identity in his heart.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਸਬਦੁ ਗੁਰੂ ਗੁਰ ਵਾਹੁ ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਪਾਇਆ ।
सबदु गुरू गुर वाहु गुरमुखि पाइआ ।
sabad guroo gur vaahu guramukh paaeaa |
From the Guru, the disciple (gurmukh) obtains the wondrous Word.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਚੇਲਾ ਸੁਰਤਿ ਸਮਾਹੁ ਅਲਖੁ ਲਖਾਇਆ ।
चेला सुरति समाहु अलखु लखाइआ ।
chelaa surat samaahu alakh lakhaaeaa |
The disciple, merging his consciousness in it, comes face to face with imperceptible Lord.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਗੁਰ ਚੇਲੇ ਵੀਵਾਹੁ ਤੁਰੀ ਚੜਾਇਆ ।
गुर चेले वीवाहु तुरी चड़ाइआ ।
gur chele veevaahu turee charraaeaa |
Meeting the Guru, the disciple attains turia, the fourth and final stage of spiritual quietude.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਗਹਰ ਗੰਭੀਰ ਅਥਾਹੁ ਅਜਰੁ ਜਰਾਇਆ ।
गहर गंभीर अथाहु अजरु जराइआ ।
gehar ganbheer athaahu ajar jaraaeaa |
He holds unfathomable and serene Lord dearly in his heart.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਸਚਾ ਬੇਪਰਵਾਹੁ ਸਚਿ ਸਮਾਇਆ ।
सचा बेपरवाहु सचि समाइआ ।
sachaa beparavaahu sach samaaeaa |
Becoming carefree that true disciple merges himself in the truth.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਪਾਤਿਸਾਹਾ ਪਾਤਿਸਾਹੁ ਹੁਕਮੁ ਚਲਾਇਆ ।
पातिसाहा पातिसाहु हुकमु चलाइआ ।
paatisaahaa paatisaahu hukam chalaaeaa |
And by becoming the king of kings, he makes others subservient to him.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਲਉਬਾਲੀ ਦਰਗਾਹੁ ਭਾਣਾ ਭਾਇਆ ।
लउबाली दरगाहु भाणा भाइआ ।
laubaalee daragaahu bhaanaa bhaaeaa |
Only he loves the divine will of the Lord.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਸਚੀ ਸਿਫਤਿ ਸਲਾਹੁ ਅਪਿਓ ਪੀਆਇਆ ।
सची सिफति सलाहु अपिओ पीआइआ ।
sachee sifat salaahu apio peeaeaa |
And only he has tasted the nectar in the form of praises of the Lord.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਸਬਦੁ ਸੁਰਤਿ ਅਸਗਾਹ ਅਘੜ ਘੜਾਇਆ ।੪।
सबदु सुरति असगाह अघड़ घड़ाइआ ।४।
sabad surat asagaah agharr gharraaeaa |4|
Taking consciousness into the depth of the Word, he has shaped the unchiseled mind.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਮੁਲ ਨ ਮਿਲੈ ਅਮੋਲੁ ਨ ਕੀਮਤਿ ਪਾਈਐ ।
मुल न मिलै अमोलु न कीमति पाईऐ ।
mul na milai amol na keemat paaeeai |
The way of life of gurmukhs is invaluable. It cannot be purchased.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਪਾਇ ਤਰਾਜੂ ਤੋਲੁ ਨ ਅਤੁਲੁ ਤੁਲਾਈਐ ।
पाइ तराजू तोलु न अतुलु तुलाईऐ ।
paae taraajoo tol na atul tulaaeeai |
On weighing scale, it cannot be weighed.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਨਿਜ ਘਰਿ ਤਖਤੁ ਅਡੋਲੁ ਨ ਡੋਲਿ ਡੋਲਾਈਐ ।
निज घरि तखतु अडोलु न डोलि डोलाईऐ ।
nij ghar takhat addol na ddol ddolaaeeai |
Stabilizing in one’s own self and not getting frivolous in his way of life.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਪੰਥੁ ਨਿਰੋਲੁ ਨ ਰਲੇ ਰਲਾਈਐ ।
गुरमुखि पंथु निरोलु न रले रलाईऐ ।
guramukh panth nirol na rale ralaaeeai |
This way is distinct and does not become defiled even when joined with someone else.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਕਥਾ ਅਕਥ ਅਬੋਲੁ ਨ ਬੋਲ ਬੁਲਾਈਐ ।
कथा अकथ अबोलु न बोल बुलाईऐ ।
kathaa akath abol na bol bulaaeeai |
Its story is indescribable.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਸਦਾ ਅਭੁਲੁ ਅਭੋਲਿ ਨ ਭੋਲਿ ਭੁਲਾਈਐ ।
सदा अभुलु अभोलि न भोलि भुलाईऐ ।
sadaa abhul abhol na bhol bhulaaeeai |
This way transcends all omissions and all anxieties.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਪੰਥੁ ਅਲੋਲੁ ਸਹਜਿ ਸਮਾਈਐ ।
गुरमुखि पंथु अलोलु सहजि समाईऐ ।
guramukh panth alol sehaj samaaeeai |
Absorbed in equipoise, this gurmukh-way of life gives balance to life.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਅਮਿਓ ਸਰੋਵਰ ਝੋਲੁ ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਪਾਈਐ ।
अमिओ सरोवर झोलु गुरमुखि पाईऐ ।
amio sarovar jhol guramukh paaeeai |
The gurmukh quaffs from the tank of nectar.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਲਖ ਟੋਲੀ ਇਕ ਟੋਲੁ ਨ ਆਪੁ ਗਣਾਈਐ ।੫।
लख टोली इक टोलु न आपु गणाईऐ ।५।
lakh ttolee ik ttol na aap ganaaeeai |5|
The end result of lakhs of experiences is the gurmukh never exhibits his ego.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਸਉਦਾ ਇਕਤੁ ਹਟਿ ਸਬਦਿ ਵਿਸਾਹੀਐ ।
सउदा इकतु हटि सबदि विसाहीऐ ।
saudaa ikat hatt sabad visaaheeai |
From the shop of holy congregation, through the Word, the merchandise of God’s name is procured.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਪੂਰਾ ਪੂਰੇ ਵਟਿ ਕਿ ਆਖਿ ਸਲਾਹੀਐ ।
पूरा पूरे वटि कि आखि सलाहीऐ ।
pooraa poore vatt ki aakh salaaheeai |
How to praise Him? The measuring criteria of the perfect Lord are perfect.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਕਦੇ ਨ ਹੋਵੈ ਘਟਿ ਸਚੀ ਪਤਿਸਾਹੀਐ ।
कदे न होवै घटि सची पतिसाहीऐ ।
kade na hovai ghatt sachee patisaaheeai |
The warehouse of the True King is never deficient.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਪੂਰੇ ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਖਟਿ ਅਖੁਟੁ ਸਮਾਹੀਐ ।
पूरे सतिगुर खटि अखुटु समाहीऐ ।
poore satigur khatt akhutt samaaheeai |
Cultivating the True Guru, those who earn through Him get merged into His inexhaustible Being.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਸਾਧਸੰਗਤਿ ਪਰਗਟਿ ਸਦਾ ਨਿਬਾਹੀਐ ।
साधसंगति परगटि सदा निबाहीऐ ।
saadhasangat paragatt sadaa nibaaheeai |
The company of the saints is manifestly great; one should always be in and with it.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਚਾਵਲਿ ਇਕਤੇ ਸਟਿ ਨ ਦੂਜੀ ਵਾਹੀਐ ।
चावलि इकते सटि न दूजी वाहीऐ ।
chaaval ikate satt na doojee vaaheeai |
Husk in the form of maya should be separated from the rice of life.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਜਮ ਦੀ ਫਾਹੀ ਕਟਿ ਦਾਦਿ ਇਲਾਹੀਐ ।
जम दी फाही कटि दादि इलाहीऐ ।
jam dee faahee katt daad ilaaheeai |
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਪੰਜੇ ਦੂਤ ਸੰਘਟਿ ਢੇਰੀ ਢਾਹੀਐ ।
पंजे दूत संघटि ढेरी ढाहीऐ ।
panje doot sanghatt dteree dtaaheeai |
All the five evil propensities should be decimated.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਪਾਣੀ ਜਿਉ ਹਰਿਹਟਿ ਸੁ ਖੇਤਿ ਉਮਾਹੀਐ ।੬।
पाणी जिउ हरिहटि सु खेति उमाहीऐ ।६।
paanee jiau harihatt su khet umaaheeai |6|
As the water of well keeps the fields green, the field of the consciousness should be kept verdant (with the help of shabad).
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਪੂਰਾ ਸਤਿਗੁਰੁ ਆਪਿ ਨ ਅਲਖੁ ਲਖਾਵਈ ।
पूरा सतिगुरु आपि न अलखु लखावई ।
pooraa satigur aap na alakh lakhaavee |
Lord Himself is the true Guru who is imperceptible.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਦੇਖੈ ਥਾਪਿ ਉਥਾਪਿ ਜਿਉ ਤਿਸੁ ਭਾਵਈ ।
देखै थापि उथापि जिउ तिसु भावई ।
dekhai thaap uthaap jiau tis bhaavee |
Of His own will He Establishes or uproots.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਲੇਪੁ ਨ ਪੁੰਨਿ ਨ ਪਾਪਿ ਉਪਾਇ ਸਮਾਵਈ ।
लेपु न पुंनि न पापि उपाइ समावई ।
lep na pun na paap upaae samaavee |
The sin and virtue of creation and destruction do not touch Him at all.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਲਾਗੂ ਵਰੁ ਨ ਸਰਾਪ ਨ ਆਪ ਜਣਾਵਈ ।
लागू वरु न सराप न आप जणावई ।
laagoo var na saraap na aap janaavee |
He never makes anybody notice Him and boons and curses do not stick to Him.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਗਾਵੈ ਸਬਦੁ ਅਲਾਪਿ ਅਕਥੁ ਸੁਣਾਵਈ ।
गावै सबदु अलापि अकथु सुणावई ।
gaavai sabad alaap akath sunaavee |
The true Guru recites the Word and unfolds the grandeur of that indescribable Lord.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਅਕਥ ਕਥਾ ਜਪੁ ਜਾਪਿ ਨ ਜਗਤੁ ਕਮਾਵਈ ।
अकथ कथा जपु जापि न जगतु कमावई ।
akath kathaa jap jaap na jagat kamaavee |
Eulogizing the ineffable (Lord) he does not indulge in hypocrisy and guile.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਪੂਰੈ ਗੁਰ ਪਰਤਾਪਿ ਆਪੁ ਗਵਾਵਈ ।
पूरै गुर परतापि आपु गवावई ।
poorai gur parataap aap gavaavee |
The effulgence of the perfect Guru finishes off the ego of the seekers of knowledge.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਲਾਹੇ ਤਿਨੇ ਤਾਪਿ ਸੰਤਾਪਿ ਘਟਾਵਈ ।
लाहे तिने तापि संतापि घटावई ।
laahe tine taap santaap ghattaavee |
The Guru effacing the three sufferings (god-sent, physical and spiritual) lessens the anxieties of the people.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਮਨ ਧ੍ਰਾਪਿ ਨਿਜ ਘਰਿ ਆਵਈ ।੭।
गुरबाणी मन ध्रापि निज घरि आवई ।७।
gurabaanee man dhraap nij ghar aavee |7|
Getting satiated by Gurbani (teachings of the Guru), the individual stays in his innate nature.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਪੂਰਾ ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਸਤਿ ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਭਾਲੀਐ ।
पूरा सतिगुर सति गुरमुखि भालीऐ ।
pooraa satigur sat guramukh bhaaleeai |
The perfect Guru is truth incarnate who is realized by becoming gurmukh.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਪੂਰੀ ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਮਤਿ ਸਬਦਿ ਸਮਾਲੀਐ ।
पूरी सतिगुर मति सबदि समालीऐ ।
pooree satigur mat sabad samaaleeai |
The desire of the true Guru is that the Word should be sustained.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਦਰਗਹ ਧੋਈਐ ਪਤਿ ਹਉਮੈ ਜਾਲੀਐ ।
दरगह धोईऐ पति हउमै जालीऐ ।
daragah dhoeeai pat haumai jaaleeai |
Burning the ego, one will get honor in the court of Lord.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਘਰ ਹੀ ਜੋਗ ਜੁਗਤਿ ਬੈਸਣ ਧਰਮਸਾਲੀਐ ।
घर ही जोग जुगति बैसण धरमसालीऐ ।
ghar hee jog jugat baisan dharamasaaleeai |
One should learn the technique of merging in the Lord by considering one’s home as the place for cultivating dharma.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਪਾਵਣ ਮੋਖ ਮੁਕਤਿ ਗੁਰ ਸਿਖ ਪਾਲੀਐ ।
पावण मोख मुकति गुर सिख पालीऐ ।
paavan mokh mukat gur sikh paaleeai |
Liberation for them is certain who abide by the teaching of the Guru.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਅੰਤਰਿ ਪ੍ਰੇਮ ਭਗਤਿ ਨਦਰਿ ਨਿਹਾਲੀਐ ।
अंतरि प्रेम भगति नदरि निहालीऐ ।
antar prem bhagat nadar nihaaleeai |
They having loving devotion in their heart, remain jubilant.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਪਤਿਸਾਹੀ ਇਕ ਛਤਿ ਖਰੀ ਸੁਖਾਲੀਐ ।
पतिसाही इक छति खरी सुखालीऐ ।
patisaahee ik chhat kharee sukhaaleeai |
Such people are emperors full of delight.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਪਾਣੀ ਪੀਹਣੁ ਘਤਿ ਸੇਵਾ ਘਾਲੀਐ ।
पाणी पीहणु घति सेवा घालीऐ ।
paanee peehan ghat sevaa ghaaleeai |
Becoming egoless, they serve the sangat, the holy congregation, by bringing water, grinding corn etc. for it.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਮਸਕੀਨੀ ਵਿਚ ਵਤਿ ਚਾਲੇ ਚਾਲੀਐ ।੮।
मसकीनी विच वति चाले चालीऐ ।८।
masakeenee vich vat chaale chaaleeai |8|
In humility and joy, they lead altogether a distinct life.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਸਚਾ ਖੇਲੁ ਗੁਰ ਉਪਦੇਸਿਆ ।
गुरमुखि सचा खेलु गुर उपदेसिआ ।
guramukh sachaa khel gur upadesiaa |
The Guru preaches to the Sikh to be pure in conduct.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਸਾਧਸੰਗਤਿ ਦਾ ਮੇਲੁ ਸਬਦਿ ਅਵੇਸਿਆ ।
साधसंगति दा मेलु सबदि अवेसिआ ।
saadhasangat daa mel sabad avesiaa |
He (gurmukh) joining the holy congregation (sadh sangat) remains absorbed in the Word.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਫੁਲੀ ਤਿਲੀ ਫੁਲੇਲੁ ਸੰਗਿ ਸਲੇਸਿਆ ।
फुली तिली फुलेलु संगि सलेसिआ ।
fulee tilee fulel sang salesiaa |
In the company of flowers, the sesame oil also becomes scented.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਗੁਰ ਸਿਖ ਨਕ ਨਕੇਲ ਮਿਟੈ ਅੰਦੇਸਿਆ ।
गुर सिख नक नकेल मिटै अंदेसिआ ।
gur sikh nak nakel mittai andesiaa |
Nose – string of God’s Will remains in the nose of the Sikh of the Guru i.e. he always keeps himself ready to be subservient to the Lord.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਨਾਵਣ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤ ਵੇਲ ਵਸਣ ਸੁਦੇਸਿਆ ।
नावण अंम्रित वेल वसण सुदेसिआ ।
naavan amrit vel vasan sudesiaa |
Taking bath in the ambrosial hours (amrit vela), he remains enrapt in the region of the Lord.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਗੁਰ ਜਪਿ ਰਿਦੈ ਸੁਹੇਲੁ ਗੁਰ ਪਰਵੇਸਿਆ ।
गुर जपि रिदै सुहेलु गुर परवेसिआ ।
gur jap ridai suhel gur paravesiaa |
Remembering Guru in his heart, he becomes one with Him.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਭਾਉ ਭਗਤਿ ਭਉ ਭੇਲੁ ਸਾਧ ਸਰੇਸਿਆ ।
भाउ भगति भउ भेलु साध सरेसिआ ।
bhaau bhagat bhau bhel saadh saresiaa |
He is having the fear of the Lord and a loving devotion, is known as the sadhu of high stature.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਨਿਤ ਨਿਤ ਨਵਲ ਨਵੇਲ ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਭੇਸਿਆ ।
नित नित नवल नवेल गुरमुखि भेसिआ ।
nit nit naval navel guramukh bhesiaa |
The fast color of the Lord goes on compounding on a gurmukh.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਖੈਰ ਦਲਾਲੁ ਦਲੇਲ ਸੇਵ ਸਹੇਸਿਆ ।੯।
खैर दलालु दलेल सेव सहेसिआ ।९।
khair dalaal dalel sev sahesiaa |9|
The gurmukh only remains with the supreme Lord who is the giver of supreme delight and fearlessness.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਗੁਰ ਮੂਰਤਿ ਕਰਿ ਧਿਆਨ ਸਦਾ ਹਜੂਰ ਹੈ ।
गुर मूरति करि धिआन सदा हजूर है ।
gur moorat kar dhiaan sadaa hajoor hai |
Concentrate upon the Guru-word, considering it as the figure of the Guru, who is always with you.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਸਬਦੁ ਗਿਆਨੁ ਨੇੜਿ ਨ ਦੂਰ ਹੈ ।
गुरमुखि सबदु गिआनु नेड़ि न दूर है ।
guramukh sabad giaan nerr na door hai |
Due to the knowledge of the Word, the gurmukh finds the Lord always near and not far off.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਪੂਰਬਿ ਲਿਖਤ ਨੀਸਾਣ ਕਰਮ ਅੰਕੂਰ ਹੈ ।
पूरबि लिखत नीसाण करम अंकूर है ।
poorab likhat neesaan karam ankoor hai |
The seed of karmas sprouts according to the previous karmas.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਗੁਰ ਸੇਵਾ ਪਰਧਾਨੁ ਸੇਵਕ ਸੂਰ ਹੈ ।
गुर सेवा परधानु सेवक सूर है ।
gur sevaa paradhaan sevak soor hai |
The valiant servant becomes leader in doing service to the Guru.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਪੂਰਨ ਪਰਮ ਨਿਧਾਨ ਸਦ ਭਰਪੂਰ ਹੈ ।
पूरन परम निधान सद भरपूर है ।
pooran param nidhaan sad bharapoor hai |
God, the supreme store house is always full and omnipresent.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਸਾਧਸੰਗਤਿ ਅਸਥਾਨੁ ਜਗਮਗ ਨੂਰ ਹੈ ।
साधसंगति असथानु जगमग नूर है ।
saadhasangat asathaan jagamag noor hai |
His glory shines forth in the holy congregation of the saints.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਲਖ ਲਖ ਸਸੀਅਰ ਭਾਨ ਕਿਰਣਿ ਠਰੂਰ ਹੈ ।
लख लख ससीअर भान किरणि ठरूर है ।
lakh lakh saseear bhaan kiran ttharoor hai |
The brightness of myriads of moons and suns is subdued before the light of the holy congregation.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਲਖ ਲਖ ਬੇਦ ਪੁਰਾਣਿ ਕੀਰਤਨ ਚੂਰ ਹੈ ।
लख लख बेद पुराणि कीरतन चूर है ।
lakh lakh bed puraan keeratan choor hai |
Millions of Vedas and Puranas are insignificant before the praises of the Lord (kirtan).
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਭਗਤਿ ਵਛਲ ਪਰਵਾਣੁ ਚਰਣਾ ਧੂਰ ਹੈ ।੧੦।
भगति वछल परवाणु चरणा धूर है ।१०।
bhagat vachhal paravaan charanaa dhoor hai |10|
The dust of the feet of the beloved of the Lord is dear to the gurmukh.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਗੁਰਸਿਖੁ ਸਿਖੁ ਗੁਰ ਸੋਇ ਅਲਖੁ ਲਖਾਇਆ ।
गुरसिखु सिखु गुर सोइ अलखु लखाइआ ।
gurasikh sikh gur soe alakh lakhaaeaa |
Being one with each other, the Guru and the Sikh have made the Lord perceptible (in the form of Guru).
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਗੁਰ ਦੀਖਿਆ ਲੈ ਸਿਖਿ ਸਿਖੁ ਸਦਾਇਆ ।
गुर दीखिआ लै सिखि सिखु सदाइआ ।
gur deekhiaa lai sikh sikh sadaaeaa |
Getting initiated by the Guru, the disciple has become a Sikh.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਗੁਰ ਸਿਖ ਇਕੋ ਹੋਇ ਜੋ ਗੁਰ ਭਾਇਆ ।
गुर सिख इको होइ जो गुर भाइआ ।
gur sikh iko hoe jo gur bhaaeaa |
It was the Lord’s desire that the Guru and the disciple would become one.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਹੀਰਾ ਕਣੀ ਪਰੋਇ ਹੀਰੁ ਬਿਧਾਇਆ ।
हीरा कणी परोइ हीरु बिधाइआ ।
heeraa kanee paroe heer bidhaaeaa |
It seems as if the diamond cutting the diamond has brought the other one in one string.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਜਲ ਤਰੰਗੁ ਅਵਲੋਇ ਸਲਿਲ ਸਮਾਇਆ ।
जल तरंगु अवलोइ सलिल समाइआ ।
jal tarang avaloe salil samaaeaa |
Or the wave of water has merged in water.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਜੋਤੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਸਮੋਇ ਦੀਪੁ ਦੀਪਾਇਆ ।
जोती जोति समोइ दीपु दीपाइआ ।
jotee jot samoe deep deepaaeaa |
Or the light of one lamp has come to reside in another lamp.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਅਚਰਜ ਅਚਰਜੁ ਢੋਇ ਚਲਤੁ ਬਣਾਇਆ ।
अचरज अचरजु ढोइ चलतु बणाइआ ।
acharaj acharaj dtoe chalat banaaeaa |
The wondrous deed (of the Lord) seems to have been transformed into a parable.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਦੁਧਹੁ ਦਹੀ ਵਿਲੋਇ ਘਿਉ ਕਢਾਇਆ ।
दुधहु दही विलोइ घिउ कढाइआ ।
dudhahu dahee viloe ghiau kadtaaeaa |
It is as if the sacred ghee has been produced after churning the curd.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਇਕੁ ਚਾਨਣੁ ਤ੍ਰਿਹੁ ਲੋਇ ਪ੍ਰਗਟੀਆਇਆ ।੧੧।
इकु चानणु त्रिहु लोइ प्रगटीआइआ ।११।
eik chaanan trihu loe pragatteeaeaa |11|
The One Light has scattered in all the three worlds.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਨਾਨਕ ਦੇਉ ਗੁਰਾ ਗੁਰੁ ਹੋਇਆ ।
सतिगुर नानक देउ गुरा गुरु होइआ ।
satigur naanak deo guraa gur hoeaa |
The True Guru Nanak Dev was the Guru of Gurus.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਅੰਗਦੁ ਅਲਖੁ ਅਭੇਉ ਸਹਜਿ ਸਮੋਇਆ ।
अंगदु अलखु अभेउ सहजि समोइआ ।
angad alakh abheo sehaj samoeaa |
He installed Guru Angad Dev on the invisible and mysterious throne of equipoise.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਅਮਰਹੁ ਅਮਰ ਸਮੇਉ ਅਲਖ ਅਲੋਇਆ ।
अमरहु अमर समेउ अलख अलोइआ ।
amarahu amar sameo alakh aloeaa |
Merging Amardas into the external Lord, he made him see the invisible.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਰਾਮ ਨਾਮ ਅਰਿਖੇਉ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤੁ ਚੋਇਆ ।
राम नाम अरिखेउ अंम्रितु चोइआ ।
raam naam arikheo amrit choeaa |
Guru Ramdas was made to quaff the delight of supreme nectar.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਗੁਰ ਅਰਜਨ ਕਰਿ ਸੇਉ ਢੋੲੈ ਢੋਇਆ ।
गुर अरजन करि सेउ ढोइै ढोइआ ।
gur arajan kar seo dtoeai dtoeaa |
Guru Arjan Dev got the largess of service (from Guru Ram Das).
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਗੁਰ ਹਰਿਗੋਬਿੰਦ ਅਮੇਉ ਅਮਿਉ ਵਿਲੋਇਆ ।
गुर हरिगोबिंद अमेउ अमिउ विलोइआ ।
gur harigobind ameo amiau viloeaa |
Guru Hargobind also churned the sea (of Word).
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਸਚਾ ਸਚਿ ਸੁਚੇਉ ਸਚਿ ਖਲੋਇਆ ।
सचा सचि सुचेउ सचि खलोइआ ।
sachaa sach sucheo sach khaloeaa |
And due to the grace of all these truthful personalities, the truth of the Lord has come to reside in the hearts of common people, who have fully devoted their selves to the Word.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਆਤਮ ਅਗਹ ਅਗਹੇਉ ਸਬਦ ਪਰੋਇਆ ।
आतम अगह अगहेउ सबद परोइआ ।
aatam agah agaheo sabad paroeaa |
Even empty hearts of the people have been filled by shabad, the Word.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਗੁਰਮੁਖ ਅਭਰ ਭਰੇਉ ਭਰਮ ਭਉ ਖੋਇਆ ।੧੨।
गुरमुख अभर भरेउ भरम भउ खोइआ ।१२।
guramukh abhar bhareo bharam bhau khoeaa |12|
And the Gurmukhs have exterminated their fears and delusions.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਸਾਧਸੰਗਤਿ ਭਉ ਭਾਉ ਸਹਜੁ ਬੈਰਾਗੁ ਹੈ ।
साधसंगति भउ भाउ सहजु बैरागु है ।
saadhasangat bhau bhaau sehaj bairaag hai |
Fear (of God) and love (for mankind) being diffused in the holy congregation, the sense of non-attachment always prevails.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਸਹਜਿ ਸੁਭਾਉ ਸੁਰਤਿ ਸੁ ਜਾਗੁ ਹੈ ।
गुरमुखि सहजि सुभाउ सुरति सु जागु है ।
guramukh sehaj subhaau surat su jaag hai |
By nature, the Gurmukhs remain alert i.e. their consciousness remains attuned to Sabad, the Word.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਮਧਰ ਬਚਨ ਅਲਾਉ ਹਉਮੈ ਤਿਆਗੁ ਹੈ ।
मधर बचन अलाउ हउमै तिआगु है ।
madhar bachan alaau haumai tiaag hai |
They speak sweet words and they have expelled ego from their selves.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਮਤਿ ਪਰਥਾਉ ਸਦਾ ਅਨੁਰਾਗ ਹੈ ।
सतिगुर मति परथाउ सदा अनुराग है ।
satigur mat parathaau sadaa anuraag hai |
Conducting themselves according to the wisdom of the Guru, they always remain imbued in love (of the Lord).
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਪਿਰਮ ਪਿਆਲੇ ਸਾਉ ਮਸਤਕਿ ਭਾਗੁ ਹੈ ।
पिरम पिआले साउ मसतकि भागु है ।
piram piaale saau masatak bhaag hai |
They feeling fortunate, quaff the cup of love (of the Lord).
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਬ੍ਰਹਮ ਜੋਤਿ ਬ੍ਰਹਮਾਉ ਗਿਆਨੁ ਚਰਾਗੁ ਹੈ ।
ब्रहम जोति ब्रहमाउ गिआनु चरागु है ।
braham jot brahamaau giaan charaag hai |
Realizing the light of the Supreme in their mind, they become competent to light the lamp of divine knowledge.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਅੰਤਰਿ ਗੁਰਮਤਿ ਚਾਉ ਅਲਿਪਤੁ ਅਦਾਗੁ ਹੈ ।
अंतरि गुरमति चाउ अलिपतु अदागु है ।
antar guramat chaau alipat adaag hai |
Due to the wisdom obtained from Guru, they have unlimited enthusiasm, and they remain untouched by maya and the dirt of the evil propensities.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਵੀਹ ਇਕੀਹ ਚੜਾਉ ਸਦਾ ਸੁਹਾਗ ਹੈ ।੧੩।
वीह इकीह चड़ाउ सदा सुहाग है ।१३।
veeh ikeeh charraau sadaa suhaag hai |13|
In the context of worldliness, they always conduct themselves in a superior position i.e. if the world is twenty, they are twenty-one.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਸਬਦ ਸਮਾਲ ਸੁਰਤਿ ਸਮਾਲੀਐ ।
गुरमुखि सबद समाल सुरति समालीऐ ।
guramukh sabad samaal surat samaaleeai |
The words of gurmukh should always be cherished in one’s heart.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਨਦਰਿ ਨਿਹਾਲ ਨੇਹ ਨਿਹਾਲੀਐ ।
गुरमुखि नदरि निहाल नेह निहालीऐ ।
guramukh nadar nihaal neh nihaaleeai |
By the benevolent glance of the gurmukh, one becomes blest and happy.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਸੇਵਾ ਘਾਲਿ ਵਿਰਲੇ ਘਾਲੀਐ ।
गुरमुखि सेवा घालि विरले घालीऐ ।
guramukh sevaa ghaal virale ghaaleeai |
Rare are those who attain the sense of discipline and service.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਦੀਨ ਦਇਆਲ ਹੇਤੁ ਹਿਲਾਈਐ ।
गुरमुखि दीन दइआल हेतु हिलाईऐ ।
guramukh deen deaal het hilaaeeai |
Gurmukhs, being full of love, are kind to the poor.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਨਿਬਹੇ ਨਾਲਿ ਗੁਰ ਸਿਖ ਪਾਲੀਐ ।
गुरमुखि निबहे नालि गुर सिख पालीऐ ।
guramukh nibahe naal gur sikh paaleeai |
Gurmukh is ever steadfast and always adheres to the teachings of the Guru.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਰਤਨ ਪਦਾਰਥ ਲਾਲ ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਭਾਲੀਐ ।
रतन पदारथ लाल गुरमुखि भालीऐ ।
ratan padaarath laal guramukh bhaaleeai |
One should seek jewels and rubies (of knowledge & loving devotion) from the gurmukhs.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਅਕਲ ਅਕਾਲ ਭਗਤਿ ਸੁਖਾਲੀਐ ।
गुरमुखि अकल अकाल भगति सुखालीऐ ।
guramukh akal akaal bhagat sukhaaleeai |
Gurmukhs are devoid of deception; they, without becoming victim of Time, go on enjoying the delight of devotion.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਹੰਸਾ ਢਾਲਿ ਰਸਕ ਰਸਾਲੀਐ ।੧੪।
गुरमुखि हंसा ढालि रसक रसालीऐ ।१४।
guramukh hansaa dtaal rasak rasaaleeai |14|
Gurmukhs have discriminatory wisdom of swans (who can separate milk from water), and they with their mind and body, love the Lord.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਏਕਾ ਏਕੰਕਾਰੁ ਲਿਖਿ ਦੇਖਾਲਿਆ ।
एका एकंकारु लिखि देखालिआ ।
ekaa ekankaar likh dekhaaliaa |
By writing 1 (One) in the beginning, it has been shown that Ekankar, God, who subsumes all forms in Him is only one (and not two or three).
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਊੜਾ ਓਅੰਕਾਰੁ ਪਾਸਿ ਬਹਾਲਿਆ ।
ऊड़ा ओअंकारु पासि बहालिआ ।
aoorraa oankaar paas bahaaliaa |
Ura, the first Gurmukhi letter, in the form of Oankar shows the world controlling power of that one Lord.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਸਤਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਕਰਤਾਰੁ ਨਿਰਭਉ ਭਾਲਿਆ ।
सति नामु करतारु निरभउ भालिआ ।
sat naam karataar nirbhau bhaaliaa |
That Lord has been understood as the True-Name, Creator and the Fearless One.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਨਿਰਵੈਰਹੁ ਜੈਕਾਰੁ ਅਜੂਨਿ ਅਕਾਲਿਆ ।
निरवैरहु जैकारु अजूनि अकालिआ ।
niravairahu jaikaar ajoon akaaliaa |
He is devoid of enmity, beyond time and free from the cycle of transmigration.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਸਚੁ ਨੀਸਾਣੁ ਅਪਾਰੁ ਜੋਤਿ ਉਜਾਲਿਆ ।
सचु नीसाणु अपारु जोति उजालिआ ।
sach neesaan apaar jot ujaaliaa |
Hail the Lord! His mark is truth, and He shines in bright effulgent flame.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਪੰਜ ਅਖਰ ਉਪਕਾਰ ਨਾਮੁ ਸਮਾਲਿਆ ।
पंज अखर उपकार नामु समालिआ ।
panj akhar upakaar naam samaaliaa |
Five letters (1 Oankar) are altruists; they have in them the power of the person of the Lord.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਪਰਮੇਸੁਰ ਸੁਖੁ ਸਾਰੁ ਨਦਰਿ ਨਿਹਾਲਿਆ ।
परमेसुर सुखु सारु नदरि निहालिआ ।
paramesur sukh saar nadar nihaaliaa |
The individual, understanding their importance becomes blest with graceful glance of God who is the essence of delights.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਨਉ ਅਗਿ ਸੁੰਨ ਸੁਮਾਰੁ ਸੰਗਿ ਨਿਰਾਲਿਆ ।
नउ अगि सुंन सुमारु संगि निरालिआ ।
nau ag sun sumaar sang niraaliaa |
As the numerals from one to nine adding zero with them reach to the infinite count.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਨੀਲ ਅਨੀਲ ਵੀਚਾਰ ਪਿਰਮ ਪਿਆਲਿਆ ।੧੫।
नील अनील वीचार पिरम पिआलिआ ।१५।
neel aneel veechaar piram piaaliaa |15|
The persons who quaff the cup of love from their beloved, become master of infinite powers.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਚਾਰ ਵਰਨ ਸਤਿਸੰਗੁ ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਮੇਲਿਆ ।
चार वरन सतिसंगु गुरमुखि मेलिआ ।
chaar varan satisang guramukh meliaa |
The people of all the four varnas sit together in the company of gurmukhs in the holy congregation (satsangat).
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਜਾਣ ਤੰਬੋਲਹੁ ਰੰਗੁ ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਚੇਲਿਆ ।
जाण तंबोलहु रंगु गुरमुखि चेलिआ ।
jaan tanbolahu rang guramukh cheliaa |
All the disciples become gurmukh as betel leaf, lime and chatehu when mixed become of one red color.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਪੰਜੇ ਸਬਦ ਅਭੰਗ ਅਨਹਦ ਕੇਲਿਆ ।
पंजे सबद अभंग अनहद केलिआ ।
panje sabad abhang anahad keliaa |
All the five sounds (produced by different instruments) keep the gurmukhs full of joy.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਸਬਦਿ ਤਰੰਗ ਸਦਾ ਸੁਹੇਲਿਆ ।
सतिगुर सबदि तरंग सदा सुहेलिआ ।
satigur sabad tarang sadaa suheliaa |
In the waves of the Word of the true Guru, gurmukhs ever remain in delight.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਸਬਦ ਸੁਰਤਿ ਪਰਸੰਗ ਗਿਆਨ ਸੰਗ ਮੇਲਿਆ ।
सबद सुरति परसंग गिआन संग मेलिआ ।
sabad surat parasang giaan sang meliaa |
Joining their consciousness to the Guru’s teachings, they become knowledgeable.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਰਾਗ ਨਾਦ ਸਰਬੰਗ ਅਹਿਨਿਸਿ ਭੇਲਿਆ ।
राग नाद सरबंग अहिनिसि भेलिआ ।
raag naad sarabang ahinis bheliaa |
They keep themselves absorbed day and night in the great resonance of Gurbani, the holy hymns.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਸਬਦ ਅਨਾਹਦੁ ਰੰਗ ਸੁਝ ਇਕੇਲਿਆ ।
सबद अनाहदु रंग सुझ इकेलिआ ।
sabad anaahad rang sujh ikeliaa |
Drowned into the infinite Word and its steadfast color only the One (God) is realized.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਪੰਥੁ ਨਿਪੰਗੁ ਬਾਰਹ ਖੇਲਿਆ ।੧੬।
गुरमुखि पंथु निपंगु बारह खेलिआ ।१६।
guramukh panth nipang baarah kheliaa |16|
Out of the twelve ways (of yogis) the way of the gurmukhs is the correct way.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਹੋਈ ਆਗਿਆ ਆਦਿ ਆਦਿ ਨਿਰੰਜਨੋ ।
होई आगिआ आदि आदि निरंजनो ।
hoee aagiaa aad aad niranjano |
In the primordial times, the Lord ordained.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਨਾਦੈ ਮਿਲਿਆ ਨਾਦੁ ਹਉਮੈ ਭੰਜਨੋ ।
नादै मिलिआ नादु हउमै भंजनो ।
naadai miliaa naad haumai bhanjano |
The Word of the Guru met with the Sabda-brahm Word-God and the ego of creatures got erased.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਬਿਸਮਾਦੇ ਬਿਸਮਾਦੁ ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਅੰਜਨੋ ।
बिसमादे बिसमादु गुरमुखि अंजनो ।
bisamaade bisamaad guramukh anjano |
This very awe-inspiring word is the collyrium of gurmukhs.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਗੁਰਮਤਿ ਗੁਰਪ੍ਰਸਾਦਿ ਭਰਮੁ ਨਿਖੰਜਨੋ ।
गुरमति गुरप्रसादि भरमु निखंजनो ।
guramat guraprasaad bharam nikhanjano |
Adopting Gurmat, the wisdom of the Guru, with the grace of the Guru, the delusions are eschewed.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਆਦਿ ਪੁਰਖੁ ਪਰਮਾਦਿ ਅਕਾਲ ਅਗੰਜਨੋ ।
आदि पुरखु परमादि अकाल अगंजनो ।
aad purakh paramaad akaal aganjano |
That primordial being is beyond time and destruction.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਸੇਵਕ ਸਿਵ ਸਨਕਾਦਿ ਕ੍ਰਿਪਾ ਕਰੰਜਨੋ ।
सेवक सिव सनकादि क्रिपा करंजनो ।
sevak siv sanakaad kripaa karanjano |
He bestows grace upon His servants like Siva and Sanak etc.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਜਪੀਐ ਜੁਗਹ ਜੁਗਾਦਿ ਗੁਰ ਸਿਖ ਮੰਜਨੋ ।
जपीऐ जुगह जुगादि गुर सिख मंजनो ।
japeeai jugah jugaad gur sikh manjano |
In all the ages, only He is remembered, and He alone is the object of concentration of the Gursikhs.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਪਿਰਮ ਪਿਆਲੇ ਸਾਦੁ ਪਰਮ ਪੁਰੰਜਨੋ ।
पिरम पिआले सादु परम पुरंजनो ।
piram piaale saad param puranjano |
Through the taste of the cup of love that Supreme Love is known.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਆਦਿ ਜੁਗਾਦਿ ਅਨਾਦਿ ਸਰਬ ਸੁਰੰਜਨੋ ।੧੭।
आदि जुगादि अनादि सरब सुरंजनो ।१७।
aad jugaad anaad sarab suranjano |17|
Since the primordial time, He has been delighting all.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਮੁਰਦਾ ਹੋਇ ਮੁਰੀਦੁ ਨ ਗਲੀ ਹੋਵਣਾ ।
मुरदा होइ मुरीदु न गली होवणा ।
muradaa hoe mureed na galee hovanaa |
Only by becoming dead in life, i.e. totally detached, and not through mere verbal jargon, one can become a true disciple.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਸਾਬਰੁ ਸਿਦਕਿ ਸਹੀਦੁ ਭ੍ਰਮ ਭਉ ਖੋਵਣਾ ।
साबरु सिदकि सहीदु भ्रम भउ खोवणा ।
saabar sidak saheed bhram bhau khovanaa |
One could be such a person only after getting sacrificed for truth and contentment and by eschewing delusions and fears.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਗੋਲਾ ਮੁਲ ਖਰੀਦੁ ਕਾਰੇ ਜੋਵਣਾ ।
गोला मुल खरीदु कारे जोवणा ।
golaa mul khareed kaare jovanaa |
The true disciple is a boughten slave who is ever busy in the service of the Master.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਨ ਤਿਸੁ ਭੁਖ ਨ ਨੀਦ ਨ ਖਾਣਾ ਸੋਵਣਾ ।
न तिसु भुख न नीद न खाणा सोवणा ।
n tis bhukh na need na khaanaa sovanaa |
He forgets hunger, sleep, food and rest.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਪੀਹਣਿ ਹੋਇ ਜਦੀਦ ਪਾਣੀ ਢੋਵਣਾ ।
पीहणि होइ जदीद पाणी ढोवणा ।
peehan hoe jadeed paanee dtovanaa |
He grinds fresh flour (for free kitchen) and serves by fetching water.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਪਖੇ ਦੀ ਤਾਗੀਦ ਪਗ ਮਲਿ ਧੋਵਣਾ ।
पखे दी तागीद पग मलि धोवणा ।
pakhe dee taageed pag mal dhovanaa |
He fans (the holy congregation) and washes nicely the feet of the Guru.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਸੇਵਕ ਹੋਇ ਸੰਜੀਦ ਨ ਹਸਣੁ ਰੋਵਣਾ ।
सेवक होइ संजीद न हसणु रोवणा ।
sevak hoe sanjeed na hasan rovanaa |
The servant always remains disciplined and has nothing to do with wailing and laughing.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਦਰ ਦਰਵੇਸ ਰਸੀਦੁ ਪਿਰਮ ਰਸੁ ਭੋਵਣਾ ।
दर दरवेस रसीदु पिरम रसु भोवणा ।
dar daraves raseed piram ras bhovanaa |
This way he becomes dervish at the door of the Lord and gets drenched in the delights of the rains of love.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਚੰਦ ਮੁਮਾਰਖਿ ਈਦ ਪੁਗਿ ਖਲੋਵਣਾ ।੧੮।
चंद मुमारखि ईद पुगि खलोवणा ।१८।
chand mumaarakh eed pug khalovanaa |18|
He will be seen as the first moon of Eid day (which the Muslims eagerly wait for in order to break their long fasts), and only he will come out as a perfect man.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਪੈਰੀ ਪੈ ਪਾਖਾਕੁ ਮੁਰੀਦੈ ਥੀਵਣਾ ।
पैरी पै पाखाकु मुरीदै थीवणा ।
pairee pai paakhaak mureedai theevanaa |
By becoming the dust of the feet, the disciple is required to be near the feet of the Guru.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਗੁਰ ਮੂਰਤਿ ਮੁਸਤਾਕੁ ਮਰਿ ਮਰਿ ਜੀਵਣਾ ।
गुर मूरति मुसताकु मरि मरि जीवणा ।
gur moorat musataak mar mar jeevanaa |
Becoming an avid suiter of the form (word) of the Guru and being dead to greed, infatuation and other relational propensities, he should remain alive in the world.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਪਰਹਰ ਸਭੇ ਸਾਕ ਸੁਰੰਗ ਰੰਗੀਵਣਾ ।
परहर सभे साक सुरंग रंगीवणा ।
parahar sabhe saak surang rangeevanaa |
Repudiating all worldly connections, he must remain dyed in the color of the Lord.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਹੋਰ ਨ ਝਖਣੁ ਝਾਕ ਸਰਣਿ ਮਨੁ ਸੀਵਣਾ ।
होर न झखणु झाक सरणि मनु सीवणा ।
hor na jhakhan jhaak saran man seevanaa |
Seeking no shelter elsewhere, he should keep his mind absorbed in the shelter of God, the Guru.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਪਿਰਮ ਪਿਆਲਾ ਪਾਕ ਅਮਿਅ ਰਸੁ ਪੀਵਣਾ ।
पिरम पिआला पाक अमिअ रसु पीवणा ।
piram piaalaa paak amia ras peevanaa |
Sacred is the cup of the love of the beloved; he should quaff that only.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਮਸਕੀਨੀ ਅਉਤਾਕ ਅਸਥਿਰੁ ਥੀਵਣਾ ।
मसकीनी अउताक असथिरु थीवणा ।
masakeenee aautaak asathir theevanaa |
Making humility his abode, he should get poised in it.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਦਸ ਅਉਰਤਿ ਤਲਾਕ ਸਹਜਿ ਅਲੀਵਣਾ ।
दस अउरति तलाक सहजि अलीवणा ।
das aaurat talaak sehaj aleevanaa |
Divorcing the (tastes of) ten organs i.e. not being caught in their dragnet, he should attain equipoise.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਸਾਵਧਾਨ ਗੁਰ ਵਾਕ ਨ ਮਨ ਭਰਮੀਵਣਾ ।
सावधान गुर वाक न मन भरमीवणा ।
saavadhaan gur vaak na man bharameevanaa |
He must be fully conscious about the word of Guru and should not allow the mind to be entrapped in delusions.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਸਬਦ ਸੁਰਤਿ ਹੁਸਨਾਕ ਪਾਰਿ ਪਰੀਵਣਾ ।੧੯।
सबद सुरति हुसनाक पारि परीवणा ।१९।
sabad surat husanaak paar pareevanaa |19|
Absorption of consciousness in the Word makes him alert and this way one gets across the World–ocean.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਸਰਣੀ ਜਾਇ ਸੀਸੁ ਨਿਵਾਇਆ ।
सतिगुर सरणी जाइ सीसु निवाइआ ।
satigur saranee jaae sees nivaaeaa |
He is true Sikh who surrenders before the Guru and bows his head.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਗੁਰ ਚਰਣੀ ਚਿਤੁ ਲਾਇ ਮਥਾ ਲਾਇਆ ।
गुर चरणी चितु लाइ मथा लाइआ ।
gur charanee chit laae mathaa laaeaa |
Who puts his mind and forehead on the feet of the Guru.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਗੁਰਮਤਿ ਰਿਦੈ ਵਸਾਇ ਆਪੁ ਗਵਾਇਆ ।
गुरमति रिदै वसाइ आपु गवाइआ ।
guramat ridai vasaae aap gavaaeaa |
Who holding dear to his heart the teachings of the Guru expels ego from his self.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਸਹਜਿ ਸੁਭਾਇ ਭਾਣਾ ਭਾਇਆ ।
गुरमुखि सहजि सुभाइ भाणा भाइआ ।
guramukh sehaj subhaae bhaanaa bhaaeaa |
Who loves the will of Lord and has attained equipoise by becoming Guru-oriented, gurmukh.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਸਬਦ ਸੁਰਤਿ ਲਿਵ ਲਾਇ ਹੁਕਮੁ ਕਮਾਇਆ ।
सबद सुरति लिव लाइ हुकमु कमाइआ ।
sabad surat liv laae hukam kamaaeaa |
Who by merging his consciousness in the Word has acted according to the divine Will (hukam).
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਸਾਧਸੰਗਤਿ ਭੈ ਭਾਇ ਨਿਜ ਘਰੁ ਪਾਇਆ ।
साधसंगति भै भाइ निज घरु पाइआ ।
saadhasangat bhai bhaae nij ghar paaeaa |
He (the true Sikh) as the result of his love and fear of holy congregation attains his own self (atma).
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਚਰਣ ਕਵਲ ਪਤਿਆਇ ਭਵਰੁ ਲੁਭਾਇਆ ।
चरण कवल पतिआइ भवरु लुभाइआ ।
charan kaval patiaae bhavar lubhaaeaa |
He remains stuck to the lotus feet of the Guru like the black bee.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਸੁਖ ਸੰਪਟ ਪਰਚਾਇ ਅਪਿਉ ਪੀਆਇਆ ।
सुख संपट परचाइ अपिउ पीआइआ ।
sukh sanpatt parachaae apiau peeaeaa |
Getting enveloped in this delight, he goes on quaffing the nectar.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
ਧੰਨੁ ਜਣੇਦੀ ਮਾਇ ਸਹਿਲਾ ਆਇਆ ।੨੦।੩। ਤ੍ਰੈ ।
धंनु जणेदी माइ सहिला आइआ ।२०।३। त्रै ।
dhan janedee maae sahilaa aaeaa |20|3| trai |
Blessed is the mother of such a person. Only his coming to this world is fruitful.
Bhai Gurdas ji / / / Vaaran
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